M&F Western Products, Inc.
Western Duds For The Little Outlaw Chap And Vest Set
Pete's Town and MF Western present Duds for the Little Outlaw! 100% Genuine Cowhide childres chap and vest set. For the look and feel of a true cowboy. great for Halloween or play. Chocolate, Black or Brown. Easy sizing S (Ages 2-3) M (Ages 4-6) L (Ages 7-10) X (Ages 11-12).
MF Western and Pete’s Town a wining combination for your children’s western toy needs and wants. Pete’s Town loves kids of all ages especially young cowboy’s and cowgirl’s. Toys are the spark that generates the imagination in a child and helps create the future in a young mind. So Pete’s Town and MF Western provide a wining combination of products for all your children from 1 to 70.